Our First Post!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Finally, our blog is up!

This would be a welcome note, so hello to all of you. =)

As the Telur Rangers consists of three members and we will be continuously updating you on the activities that we are going to do in order to support the cause on saving the turtles, we dont want to confuse you on who is updating what.

The Telur Rangers consist of:

Huey Meim - will be writing in green
Nell - will be writing in orange
Grace- will be writing in blue

And white will be everything in between!

Watch this space for more stories!



Blogger pen echo said...

Dear all,
I am writing you to inquire an interview in regards to your activity.
I am Sam, PhD student in the field of wildlife management at UPM.
Your interview if you agree will publish in the Iranian magazine which publish in Malaysia and I try to publish it in an Iranian Magazine in Iran.
Please let me know the possibility of meeting.


P.S. my email address is: sam.khosravifard@gmail.com

Jul 22, 2009, 11:48:00 AM  

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