Our journey continues...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hello helllo every one! We've crossed the 700 mark on our FB fan page and we'd like to thank each and every one of you for your wonderful support! Our colleagues and friends who have contributed so much to making this idea a success - we salute you and love you MUAKS! To those who have agreed to be Telur Rangers and collect signatures as well - You rock! Tq tq!

This is the third day of our journey and along with the fun and excitement comes the many challenges such as car trouble, getting lost, falling behind schedule, tiredness and most demotivating of all are the rejections that we face! Sometimes people simply refuse to even listen to us. And at the end of each long day we're so beat all we want to do is crawl under the sheets and snore so if our posts are sometimes a bit lucid- it's cos we're so tired we can't think!

But today has been a great encouragement for us. Apart from the friendly and may i add very helpful crowd in Alor Setar, the wonderful staff of Hotel Seri Malaysia (thank you every one!) we also got the support of En Fauzi of Giant Alor Setar. Not only has En Fauzi been so kind to be our venue sponsor on very short notice, he has pledged the signatures of his 100+ staff in support of our cause! That really gave our spirits a boost and gives us reason to continue our fight. We sure could use more Malaysians like En Fauzi :)

Best of all, he recommended us a place for awesome foot reflexology - sakit giler! But the sifu(s) knew exactly what we needed. And after 40 mins of pain therapy our pains and aches melted away :)

As you know the objective of our road trip, further to collecting signatures, is to educate Malaysians about the terrible fate of these gentle creatures.
Today i was asked this question - "i learned from documentaries that turtles lay more than 100 eggs at one nesting, with such numbers why do they need saving?"
DID YOU KNOW: Only 1 out of every 1,000 baby turtles survive and mature into adulthood
CONSIDER ALSO: It takes 30 years for a baby turtle to mature into adulthood

And with poaching, coastal development, trapping and killing in fishing gear and their shells being made into decorative products - the odds are stacked high against these helpless creatures. Turtles play an essential role in keeping the balance of the oceanus ecosystem. They feed on jellyfish and keep them from being overpopulated. Their dwindling numbers means an increase of jellyfish - this creates an imbalance in the ocean's ecosystem and that in turn affects our fisheries. We may not see the effects of this on our daily lives immediately but when not only will our fish supply be affected, those whose livelihoods depend on the ocean will also suffer.

Well that's all for today folks (so sleepy tears running down my eyes and nose already) hope to have more telur stories for you tomorrow :)) Cheers!


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